
My back

Sunday, September 26, 2010

Health codes and regulations for tattooing in the United States

Every state has different regulations for tattooing. In the state of Ohio minors are no longer allowed to get a tattoo. In some states minors can get tattoo's with a written consent of a parent. Some states have to keep a record on file for the minors tattoo or piercing for up to three years. If a person fails to get a signature for a minor, they can be charged with a petty offense and receive a fine.

The operator of a tattoo and or piercing shop must make sure that everyone working for them has had proper training and must show a reliable evidence that they have been trained. They have to be able to provide that they know CPR, safety and sanitation requirements, precautions against bloodborne pathogens, and appropriate after care of the tattoo's and piercings. 

The owner of the store has to maintain many different records. They have to keep track of all dye colors, manufacturers, available lot numbers, and be able to identify any pigment used. They must keep track of all payments, inspections, and approvals. The board of health will conduct at least one inspection of the business and can come in at any time to do another inspection.

I have many tattoo's but I am very picky when it comes to choosing where I get my work done at. I would never walk into a tattoo shop and let just anyone work on me. Some places may look nice and clean but some tattoo artists do bad work. Also, places can look clean but if the artist isn't keeping things sterilized then you could end up getting tattooed with a dirty needle and you wouldn't know until after getting the tattoo. 


  1. Caitlyn,
    When I had Legal Research and Writing I last quarter, one of the assignments was looking up the statutes governing the establishment and maintenance of a tatoo business. I was very surprised to see the laws and documentation that have to be maintained.
    How did you choose the tatoo shop? Do they have to have any posted signs regarding health permits and licenses? How long have you been getting tatoos? I'm sure it was a process and you didn't get all that done at once.

  2. Caitlyn,
    First I just want to say that your back is AWESOME! I love tattoos also and am wanting to get my whole back done. It's hard to believe that yours started with the one flower. I did not know that the minor law had changed. Are they still allowed to get piercings with the consent of a parent? I am also very picky about who does my work and where. I have followed my piercer and tattoo artist everywhere they have gone. I would NEVER in my life get a tattoo or piercing out of a house! I am glad someone chose this topic. I look forward to reading more.

  3. You can still get piercings with consent of a parent but I am not sure if they changed that to being over 16 as well or not. Every state is different. I am very picky as well. When I turned 18, I wanted another tattoo. I got one on my lower back when I was 14, it was stars nothing major and it's real low so people can't see it very well but anyways when I turned 18 I thought I had to rush to get another tattoo so I got a flower on my foot. I was young and dumb and went to a random place because I knew people got tattoos there before but the flower turned out horrible. It looked like some indian tribe symbol that a child drew on my foot so the artist that I go to now and will only let him work on me had to fix it. I'm just thankful it was fixable.
