
My back

Saturday, November 20, 2010

Are tattoo's an addiction?

Many people say that tattoo's are adding but I feel that it is just a myth. People get tattoos for many different reasons. I do not feel that people would "need" to get a tattoo and calling it an addiction such as drugs. People get tattoo's because they like the way they look on, to represent something, and possibly because they think they look cool. People don't get tattoo's because they love the feeling of needles in their body.
I like getting tattoo's because of the way they look once their finished. All of my tattoo's are hidden but I have many hours of work put into them. I don't do it because I'm "addicted", I do it because I enjoy the look of them. I have a scroll on my foot that says mother, best friend, and family in chinese letters because my mom is my everything. I have three flowers on my thigh to represent my sister, my mom, and my grandma and under the flowers it says, "A bond that will never be broken." My back piece is just a bunch of designs with no representation. The point I'm getting at it some people do it for different reasons.
Tattoo artists do tattoos because they are very good at art and enjoy what they do. People that have tattoo's all over their body have put lots and lots of money into them. In big cities they are ridiculous prices. For something as small as a quarter, they may charger you 300 dollars. I couldn't imagine paying that much for something so small. Every time I travel I always check out tattoo shops and ask prices because I'm always curious.
I think that if anyone was to get a rush and be addicted to tattoo's it would be the tattoo artist. The artist is the one who hears everyone's stories, who puts something permanent on someone everyday, who get's to take their art and designs and make it into something real.

1 comment:

  1. I do not think that getting multiple tattoos is necessarily an addiction, either. It seems people are sometimes a little too quick to put the addiction label on behavior that seems excessive to them, but may not be when looking throught the eyes of the other person. As you said people have many reasons for getting a tattoo. Good post.
